Our ASME Section 9 Certified Welder has decades of experience. The Livingston Tool & Mfg. Co. Welding Department is skilled in GTAW, GMAW & MSAW. We can provide welding services ranging from structural and plate welding to light gauge tubular steels, stainless and aluminum as well as other exotic materials. Our advanced welding department is highly trained with vacuum vessel or pressure vessel construction.
Our process of certified welding include:
X-ray, Die Penetrant, Hydro Pressure & Vacuum Testing.
After all welding processes are complete, our welding department will also finish grind welds, remove any sharp edges, polish the welds or surface, descale any welds, prepare the material for painting & prime the prepared surface.
Certain applications even require the use of our vibratory stress reliever during and after the welding process to eliminate any unneeded stress in the finished part. This process eliminates stress, reduces cooling time, eliminates warpage & helps with final machining.